ISD: Carolina Session 1  (June 28 - July 11, 2025)
ISD: Carolina Session 2  (July 13 - July 26, 2025)
ISD: Online  (July 14 - July 25, 2025)

Residential Program

Get the full ISD experience on-campus! Includes room and board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
2 Weeks
1 Week

Commuter Program

Commute to and from camp each day! Includes lunch and dinner only.
2 Weeks
1 Week

ISD: Online

Experience the #ISDDifference from home!
2 Weeks
1 Week

Original Oratory and Informative Speaking allow students the freedom to write and deliver a message that is entirely their own. Students craft a ten-minute speech and deliver it entirely from memory. Speeches contain arguments that use a combination of evidence, logic and emotional appeals. Students develop their voice and learn how to share a message that they are passionate about.

How we teach | How students grow

Our oratory faculty work closely with campers to develop a speech about a topic that interests them; we never write speeches for students. In our workshops, we guide students through a process of developing their own ideas. We challenge them to strengthen their speech with proof points that can connect with listeners. We help students make adjustments to their arguments that will make them stronger and clearer. Through ongoing practice and rounds of feedback, campers gain confidence in their piece of work and find their voice.

Original Oratory and Informative Speaking at ISD: Online

I don’t think any of us would be Original Orators if we didn’t believe in the magic of speaking to others live and in-person. However, we are also a community that believes in solutions! At ISD, we are more than ready to greet the challenges of speaking while in a digital environment. Our instructors are committed to helping you share your voice regardless of the platform.

From Our Curriculum Director

“At ISD, you won’t learn to simply write a persuasive speech; we take the time to help you craft a speech that is yours; a speech you care about; a speech you’ll feel excited and proud to give throughout the year.”

– Maggie Woodward, ​Curriculum Director - Original Oratory and Informative Speaking
8:00 - 8:45am
9:00 - 9:30am
10:00am - 12:30pm
Seminar / Writing Time / One-on-One Sessions
12:30 - 1:30pm
Lunch and Recreational Time
1:30 - 2:45pm
Practicum & Group Activities
2:45 - 5:15pm
Seminar / Writing Time / One-on-One Sessions
5:15 - 6:30pm
6:30 - 8:00pm
Group Activities / Staff Performances + Q&A
Commuters must depart campus
Residential students must be inside the residence halls
Room Check (Residential students must be inside their rooms at this time)
11:00pm - 7:00am
Quiet Hours