Sienna Vaughn

ISD: Carolina / ISD: Online
*Confirmed for 2024

Sienna is a senior at Flintridge Preparatory School in La Cañada, California. She started Public Forum in 7th grade, qualifying for TOC and NSDA Nationals in her freshman, sophomore, and junior year. She has accumulated 23 career bids to the Tournament of Champions and has been ranked first nationally by the NSDA in Public Forum points and the NDCA, winning the Tim Averill Cup for season-long excellence in her junior year. She and her partner went 7-0 in Gold TOC prelims, got 3rd place at NSDA nationals, were California State Champions, and have reached late elimination rounds at many tournaments such as Glenbrooks, Ivy Street Round Robin, Yale, Berkeley, James Logan, UK, and more. She is the overall captain of her school’s 95-person speech and debate team and has spent years teaching Public Forum at over five debate programs. She can’t wait for this summer at ISD!
